Brilliant young actress Charlie strikes up an acquaintance with an intriguing stranger while on holiday in Greece, but it rapidly becomes apparent that his intentions are far from romantic.
Charlie joins a group of revolutionaries in Lebanon, with no one to save her if she is exposed as a spy. She works to earn the trust of Khalil and Michel's sister, Fatmeh.
Charlie joins a group of revolutionaries in Lebanon, with no one to save her if she is exposed as a spy. She works to earn the trust of Khalil and Michel's sister, Fatmeh.
Charlie is recruited with the promise of the role of a lifetime to infiltrate a dangerous revolutionary cell. As a cover story, she and Becker must pose as lovers.
Charlie is recruited with the promise of the role of a lifetime to infiltrate a dangerous revolutionary cell. As a cover story, she and Becker must pose as lovers.
Charlie, a fiery and brilliant young actress, meets a mysterious stranger on the beach in Greece, and he draws her into an international espionage operation.
Charlie, a fiery and brilliant young actress, meets a mysterious stranger on the beach in Greece, and he draws her into an international espionage operation.
Brilliant young actress Charlie strikes up an acquaintance with an intriguing stranger while on holiday in Greece, but it rapidly becomes apparent that his intentions are far from romantic.
Michael Shannon , Alexander Skarsgård , Florence Pugh
Sarah Bicknell
BBC , AMC Studios
as Martin Kurtz
as Gadi Becker