The animated adventures of Captain Kirk, Mr. Spock and the crew of the Starship Enterprise.
With Commodore Robert April (the first commander of the Enterprise) on board, Kirk pursues a ship plunging into a supernova, and enters a universe where time runs backwards.
With Commodore Robert April (the first commander of the Enterprise) on board, Kirk pursues a ship plunging into a supernova, and enters a universe where time runs backwards.
Dr. McCoy is arrested and held responsible for causing a plague that ravaged the planet Dramia II, where he performed a mass-innoculation 19 years earlier.
Dr. McCoy is arrested and held responsible for causing a plague that ravaged the planet Dramia II, where he performed a mass-innoculation 19 years earlier.
The animated adventures of Captain Kirk, Mr. Spock and the crew of the Starship Enterprise.
William Shatner , Leonard Nimoy , DeForest Kelley
Don Christensen
Filmation Associates , Paramount Television
as James T. Kirk (voice)
as Spock (voice)
as Leonard McCoy (voice)