An insecure but courageous and intelligent teen named Peter Parker, a new student of Midtown High, is bitten by a radioactive spider and given powers. He becomes a hero named Spider-Man after the death of his uncle and he must adapt to this new way of life.
When Spider-Man and his allies attempt to track down the missing and dangerous Lizard, they discover that Venom has returned to seek revenge on the earth.
Spider-Man discovers Norman Osborn is responsible for the Venom Symbiote's escape; Norman, aka the Dark Goblin, brings the Generations team to battle against Spider-Man.
After Aleksei is turned back into the rampaging Rhino by Swarm, the Spider Team must battle for their lives in the Underground Monster League contest.
Symbiotes from space send an advanced hunting party to Earth to take out all of the superheroes; Spider-Man must team up with Marc Spector and Max Modell to save the planet.
When Toddler Groot lands on Earth to deliver an urgent warning, Spider-Man must decode the message and keep him out of the evil clutches of both A.I.M. and Baron Mordo.
When Spider-Man and Max Modell experiment on a sample of Venom symbiote, it escapes and unleashes a weapon of unknown purpose.
An insecure but courageous and intelligent teen named Peter Parker, a new student of Midtown High, is bitten by a radioactive spider and given powers. He becomes a hero named Spider-Man after the death of his uncle and he must adapt to this new way of life.
Robbie Daymond , Nadji Jeter , Fred Tatasciore
Alan Fine
Marvel Animation , Adelaide Productions
as Peter Parker / Spider-Man (voice)
as Miles Morales (voice)
as Max Modell (voice)