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Seasons & Episodes

EP29  Right to Work
Dec. 13,2012
Right to Work

What does Right to Work mean? We explain that, and we’ll look at the historic “Right to Work” legislation that passed in Michigan this week, making it the 24th state to do so. What this means for workers, and the special interest behind this effort that pushed it through. North Korea shocks the world as they successfully launch a satellite into orbit. HSBC, “the world’s local bank” gets away with a slap on the wrists this week, after being caught red handed laundering money for the Mexican drug cartels. We’ll share the details on those stories and more.

EP28  CIA vs DIA
Dec. 06,2012

The Pentagon has announced a $100 million dollar kickstart to an expansion of America’s espionage programs. The details are stunning, and we’ll share them with you. Up first: Is the the fear of a Zombie apocalypse really behind the exploding gun sales in the United States? Plus taking the next steps in Syria, a major Drone update and the headlines! Then: A whistleblower from the NSA claims to have witnessed wide scale and illegal surveillance of all online traffic. We’ll play the clips, and ask you some hard questions. Plus your feedback, and so much more on this week’s episode of… Unfilter.

EP27  Internet Toll Booth
Nov. 29,2012
Internet Toll Booth

Starting next week a bitter struggle between world super powers for control of the Internet will begin, we bring you up to speed on it, and update you on the efforts underway domestically to combat cyber boogeyman from the future. Bradley Manning’s treatment in custody will be heard in court, and we have the details. Plus We’ll update you on a few important stories that have repercussions around the world. Then in ACT3: You sent in some tough questions, and we do our best to respond.

EP26  Toked the Vote
Nov. 15,2012
Toked the Vote

Is the will of the people in Colorado and Washington be strong enough to end over 70 years of prohibition? Now that this historic vote has been cast, we examine what lies ahead on the path of Cannabis legalization. Plus: We sift through the fallout surrounding the flash resignation of General Petraeus, the head of the CIA, the others pulled down with him, how cyber surveillance was played a key role, and the big story the media is ignoring.

EP25  Election 2012
Nov. 07,2012
Election 2012

Some call it the “race that stops a nation” and tonight it stops our show. Join us as we witness this historic night unfold. We’ll follow results from around the nation in real time, take your calls, and share our thoughts.

EP24  Super Spin Sandy
Nov. 01,2012
Super Spin Sandy

It’s been called a once in a lifetime super storm, we’ll reflect on the media’s coverage of this major event, and we bust the October Surprise rumors that are spreading like wildfire online. When you think of the fight for control of the Internet, you probably think of SOPA, CISPA, and Net Neutrality. But an International effort is underway and laying on thick rhetoric in an attempt to undermine the open nature of the web, we’ll share the details with you. Then in ACT3: Your feedback challenges are assumptions, and we respond.

EP23  Third Party Hope
Oct. 25,2012
Third Party Hope

There’s a good chance you missed the third party presidential debates this week, but that’s ok we’ve got the highlights from our favorite moments. And as turns out, they had quite a few interesting things to say! Plus details on Obama’s disposition matrix have leaked, and it lays out the path for the next ten years of America’s war on terror, enhanced public surveillance, and even more drone strikes. Then it’s your feedback, and our follow up.

EP22  Half Ton Entrapment
Oct. 18,2012
Half Ton Entrapment

We’re being warned again that a Cyber-9/11 could be around the corner, and that action must be taken now. Plus the latest on the would be terrorist plot to bomb the Federal Reserve, and why it looks like Marijuana legalization has a chance, we’ll tell you where. Then in ACT 2: While the media focuses on the performance of the Fight Night, we’re focusing on the substance of the debate and what we can expect from next Monday. And then in ACT3: We asked for your feedback, and BOY did you deliver! We’ll bust through our largest batch of feedback yet, and share our thoughts.

EP21  Meme Spotting
Oct. 11,2012
Meme Spotting

It’s been a big week for Drones, in ACT1 we’ll tell you the latest on this growing new type of warfare. Plus the gift the courts gave to the telcos, and the latest in new cyber laws. In ACT2: We go meme spotting this week, and unfilter the subtle ways the Industrial Media Complex applies pressure to public opinion. In ACT3: After hitting the episode 20 mark, we’ve reflected a bit on the show and have a few thoughts, and a few questions for you. If you’ve enjoyed this show, please stay tuned.

EP20  Spooky Scary Cyberwar
Oct. 04,2012
Spooky Scary Cyberwar

After a string of high profile Cyberattacks we could be witnessing the creation of the next generation military industrial complex. Or is President Obama desperately seeking to protect us from same the types of Cyber weapons we’ve attacked other nations with? Nobody celebrates National Cybersecurity Awareness Month like the US government. Plus: We start in the United States, which is facing a dramatic “Fiscal Cliff”. We’ll break down exactly what that term means, how it will impact you, and when the supposed deadline is. Then from Libya to Spain we’ll focus on the important events that developed this week around the world. And: The first presidential debates have just wrapped, we reflect on a few moments, and play a few of our favorite clips.

EP19  Obama’s Dronegeddon
Sep. 27,2012
Obama’s Dronegeddon

A major new report on the secret US drone war in Pakistan says the attacks have killed far more civilians than acknowledged, traumatized a nation, and undermined international law. Stay tuned for the full details, and our thoughts. From the headlines we’ll introduce you to what the media’s wants you to be scared about this fall season, the violent protests in Spain this week, and why a Brazilian judge has ordered the arrest Google’s head of operations. PLUS: Many of you have written in with some hard questions about the media’s coverage of the presidential candidates, or better put, who they refuse to cover. It’s your feedback, and our follow up. All that and a lot more on this week’s Unfilter.

EP18  FBI Gone Wild
Sep. 20,2012
FBI Gone Wild

The Internet Archive is amassing the worlds TV News Since 2009, we explore this amazing new tool, plus we cover the details of a new study linking the commonly used chemical BPA to childhood obesity, we’ll summarize the tensions developing between Japan and China, and so much more. The media is trying to link the Military’s reactionary pull back in Afghanistan to the innocence of muslims YouTube video, but the grim facts paint a much different picture. Then It’s your feedback, and our important updates. All that and a lot more on this week’s Unfilter.

EP17  The Blowback Decade
Sep. 13,2012
The Blowback Decade

You’re being told the embassy attacks in Egypt and Libya are in response to a movie, but in fact it’s the blowback from a over a decade of a policy of mistakes and a growing anti-west movement. You’ll get our analysis in this episode. Bush’s former director of the CIA and the NSA has shared details on on the initial rollout of the NSA’s domestic spying program and the subsequent ratcheting up of the invasion of citizens privacy. We’ve got the exclusive clips from the source. It’s our follow up, and your feedback. All that and a lot more on this week’s Unfilter.

EP16  Burn the Books
Sep. 05,2012
Burn the Books

More shootings around the nation this week, one very close to home, but you’ve likely never heard about them, and we’ve got the details. Plus the new TSA screening policies travelers need to know about, the concern around global food prices, and a drone update. Then: We’ll examine two recent books which blow the covers off America’s Cyber weapons warfare, like Stuxnet, and a first hand account of the raid on Osama bin Laden’s compound.

EP15  Two Strikes
Aug. 23,2012
Two Strikes

We clawed through all the election noise to find the real stories of the week, stories like The New York Police department’s secret “Demographics Unit” assisted by the CIA that was caught spying, tracking, and collecting dossiers on citizens of the city, plus we’ll share the story behind the now infamous female Russian punk collective that you might not have heard, and the nasty turn our drone warfare has taken. And we’ve even got some good news too. A former marine who served two tours in Afghanistan has been arrested after expressing his freedom of speech on his Facebook page-. He’s now behind held by the government, and we’ll share his story with you. It’s your feedback, and our follow up. All that and a lot more, in this week’s Unfilter.

EP14  Privatized Domestic Spying
Aug. 16,2012
Privatized Domestic Spying

It’s been called the law enforcement tool of the new century, today we look into these massively interconnected surveillance systems, where they are being used, and the history behind them. Successfully avoiding prosecution for their role in the 2008 meltdown, Goldman Sachs has had a great week. We’ll bring you up-to-date on their major victory, and why it reveals a dangerous cronyism in the Obama Administration. Plus: You give us a reality check, and we respond. Plus some follow up on one of our favorite stories, that just keeps getting better. All that and a lot more, in this week’s Unfilter.

EP13  Keeping You Distracted
Aug. 10,2012
Keeping You Distracted

We look at the tricks and distractions the campaigns and media use to keep the public focused on their pet topics. In ACT 1: We unfilter the media’s talking points around the tragic shooting that took place this last week in the south of Milwaukee. Plus the story behind the bad week medical marijuana had, and some news updates from around the world. In ACT2: Is the media robbing the American people of their opportunity for a rational, and effective public discussion? This week using the lens of the reignited gun-control debate we’ll ask some hard questions. In ACT 3: Some follow up on a few stories from the recent weeks. All that and much more, in this week’s Unfilter.

EP12  Keeping you Scared
Aug. 03,2012
Keeping you Scared

In today’s Unfilter we’ve got a reality check for the for the industrial media complex. From nation wide power outage scares, to synthetic propaganda, the media does its best to keep you scared, and watching. All that and much more, in this week’s Unfilter.

EP11  Never Waste a Crisis
Jul. 26,2012
Never Waste a Crisis

It’s being called one of the most tragic shootings in America’s history, we examine how the mass media is covering this event, plus the major stories that have fallen through the cracks this week, and we look at the scare tactics being used to push through new cyber security legislation. In Act 2: It’s your feedback, and our follow up. It’s a headline edition of Unfilter, and what a week it’s been. It’s a two ACT show today, and it’s packed. Plus we’ve got a new segment and a lot more, in this week’s Unfilter.

EP10  Blackwater Academi
Jul. 20,2012
Blackwater Academi

Private citizen contractors engaged in the theater of battle might seem common place now, thanks to the war on terror, but in reality it’s one of the most transformational changes our Military has ever gone through, and most of us never noticed. ACT 1: A new once a day drug can help prevent HIV infection, but it’s been announced during a major FDA Spying scandal, plus the biggest threat facing the United States of America, according to Lamar Smith. ACT 2: How did companies like Blackwater get their start, what major policy changes were put in place to make this legal, and what the future looks like for these companies. We answer those questions, and a lot more. ACT 3: It’s your feedback, and some of our follow up. All that and much more, is coming up right now on, Unfilter.

EP9  The Fluoride Question
Jul. 13,2012
The Fluoride Question

Some call it one of the most significant public health advances in history, others call it a dangerous toxic substance. In this episode we look at the Fluoride debate. And a new generation of technology is empowering our cars, but what is being done to safeguard your privacy? Plus: Your feedback, and our follow up.

EP8  Meet Monsanto
Jul. 06,2012
Meet Monsanto

Welcome to your Monsanto bootcamp, the company considered by some, the most evil company in the world. But what have they done to deserve that title? Plus the arguments for and against GMO crops. Also we cover what might be one of the largest world wide bank scams ever, yet strangely this story is being ignored by the mainstream media. Then it’s your feedback, and our follow up. All that and much more, coming up in today’s Unfilter.

EP7  Rethinking Sugar
Jun. 29,2012
Rethinking Sugar

Put down that soda and pour yourself a glass of water, because we’re looking at the Sugar problem in our three act show today. We unfilter the headlines, including: - A major victory for head of MegaUpload, - The Domestic Drone Boom - And how lawmakers game the system, to make a lot of money. Then: We look at the data that suggest sugar might be nearly toxic for us, and ask if there is any chance the world can change its sugar coated ways. Plus: It’s your feedback, and a little reminder exactly what is wrong with the main stream media.

EP6  The Syria Scam
Jun. 22,2012
The Syria Scam

We examine the Syria scam, top level officials caught lying and pushing for war, while deals are made on the sidelines. We’ll bring you up to speed. Plus: We Unfilter the headlines with a look at secret military mini-shuttles, the censorship data released from Google, and more. And: It’s your feedback, and a few follow ups. All that and more is coming up right now, on Unfilter.

EP5  Made in America
Jun. 15,2012
Made in America

Is Prison Labor a modern day for-profit type of slavery? Or is it responsible economics responding to market pressure to keep prices low, and to make those goods at home? Plus new details on the number of Drone bases operational on US soil, an update on the situation in Spain, and the details of a leaked trade agreement from the Obama administration that gives multinational corporations the ability to bypass a country’s laws.

EP4  Profiting from Prisoners
Jun. 08,2012
Profiting from Prisoners

We discuss the trend towards privatized prisons, how they make money, and dirty details they don’t want you to know. Then we unfilter the headlines, with an update on Stuxnet, some hard questions for the Chairman of the Federal Reserve, and using drones for police enforcement.

EP3  The Kill List
Jun. 01,2012
The Kill List

Obama keeps a list of drone targets, the Flame virus goes after the middle east, and some tuna have some real radiation problems. It must be an Unfilter news round up! Tune in to find out which stories are crap, and which are legit. Plus we breakdown the real story behind the Flame virus, and have a good laugh at the big media’s hype of it.

EP2  Security Theater Critics
May. 26,2012
Security Theater Critics

The TSA is one of the stars in the US Government’s security theater that keeps the public always fearing attack. In this week’s episode we’ll demonstrate how the media is used to manipulate public support for sweeping security changes. Plus – We’ll unfilter some headlines, and cover your feedback from our first episode.

EP1  Cannabis Prohibition
May. 19,2012
Cannabis Prohibition

We look at the history of the controversial weed, life before it was illegal, how it became illegal, what keeps it that way, and why it’s all finally changing.

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